Welcome to the Boise Idaho Radio Association

Welcome to the Boise Idaho Radio Association, a radio club radio operators in the Southwestern Idaho and Southeastern Oregon area. Boise Idaho Radio Station main goals is to promote quality amateur radio communications, to provide public service and educational training in amateur radio. We wish to improve good will within our local areas, and enjoy ourselves in the process. Our Volunteer Examiners provide ham license testing on a monthly basis. Contact us if you are interested in amateur radio or desire further information about this amazing hobby.

Community Service Activities

The BIRA has been very supportive of community activities in several different ways. We have provided communications support for several parades in our local area. In the past we have assisted community sponsored events by providing communications for go cart races, local floods and disasters. When needed we are available to assist and willing to help with any communication support needs.

Club Activities

Many of our BIRA members enjoy and support the social activities that are sponsored by our club officers. A monthly breakfast is held on the first Saturday of each month. Our monthly club meeting is held in the meeting room at a local restaurant. Many members enjoy a good meal before the start of the meeting. Summer fun activities include picnics with fox hunts, club contest operations and a field day operations at various location in the Southeastern Oregon and Southwestern Idaho areas. We hold an annual Christmas party with fun games and a gift exchange. Anyone is welcome to attend any of these activities and have a chance to learn about Amateur Radio.